
Phytoplankton composition analysis is one of the most basic subjects for coastal and marine scientific research. Microscopic observation of samples collected in coastal area teaches us various signs on the status of the coastal and marine environment. In general eutrophicated water always contains more individuals of phytoplankton, and oligotrophic water less. The number and variety of phytoplankton is a useful indicator of water quality and therefore quantitative analysis is important for coastal and marine environment assessment.
Phytoplankton have been identified conventionally by their morphological characters using a compound microscope often with an attachment for phase contrast and differential interference contrast to obtain clearer images. Despite the fact that the introduction of electron microscopy reveals the importance of minute morphological differences, information collected through a compound microscope such as shape, size, color and mobility of cells is still commonly considered as an important criterion and necessary for species identification. In addition, the rapid development of molecular genetics technology has been bringing about great change in phytoplankton analytical methods, however morphological characters are still the basis required to confirm the species identification, particularly in the case that theses sophisticated facilities are not always available. Thus observation with a compound microscope is obviously valuable and being applied widely.
This book is intended to serve a handy guide on phytoplankton species identification. Editors wish those who are working or studying on marine environment and organisms to use this book as a reference for species identification through the comparison of organisms under a microscope with those shown in the book. Editors try to show various shapes and appearances of phytoplankton with special emphasis on harmful species endemic in coastal areas of the Western Pacific region. Due to space limitation in a page, all chapters in this book are designed to display more photomicrographs, instead of descriptive texts, except those in the chapter of harmful species.
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